Melinda Shriver is a southern California native residing in Huntington Beach. She studied under a prominent local artist as a child and studied art at California State University at Northridge before graduating from Woodbury University in Los Angeles with a bachelor’s degree in interior design.
She worked for many years as a designer, including 10 years for Hatch Design Group, a premier restaurant-design firm in Orange County. During those years, she would watch the muralists and artistic finishers at work, thinking they had the best jobs. After opening her own design business she enrolled in decorative finishing classes, which she still does today, constantly updating and enlarging her portfolio.
As a former designer, she receives immense gratification from seeing the whole project completed. “I love working with knowledgeable designers; their input makes my job much easier and my experience in design is an asset because I understand the ins and outs of the profession”.
If the client doesn’t have a designer, she can refer one or make recommendations of her own.